
2013年9月20日 星期五

【轉載】天地間廣結善緣Creating Good Affinities Between Heaven and Earth

衛了道 文 By Liao Dao Wei

I tremember around seven or eight years ago, I had terribly sore kneecaps. They hurt when I climbed up the staircases and even more so when I walked down. It was extremely difficult.

At that time I went to visit an elderly man because I was collecting materials to make a video. He was hosting a dinner at a vegetarian restaurant when I got hold of him. It was still early for dinner and the sky was bright. When he heard why I was coming, he told me to sit down and have dinner with him.

It wasn’t one of the fasting days for precept-holders, so I sat down and had dinner with him. When it got dark, I stopped eating and only had some clear soup. I thought that when it’s dark, hungry ghosts all come out, yet they can’t eat anything and they get upset when seeing people eat. So I stopped eating dinner in order not to upset them. Somehow, that was just the way I thought about it.

And then I felt cold wind blow over my knee caps for some inexplicable reason. The cold and strange wind was like the type we feel during the ceremony of receiving the precepts for the deceased. I didn’t think much about it since I didn’t know why the cold wind was there. However, when I woke up the next morning, I felt no pain in my knee caps at all when I climbed up and down the staircases. The excruciating pain was gone completely. My knee caps have been well until now.

Some people with knee problems undergo surgeries to replace their kneecaps. It’s very troublesome for them. It was such a surprise that I got well so effortlessly. So at that time, I discovered that we need not only do good deeds for other people but also for ghosts. Why do I say this? It’s because there have been many disasters nowadays so there are many invisible beings everywhere. If we can have a good relationship with them, it will be beneficial to everyone.

I discovered from the experience that we can have a good relationship with ghosts by fasting after noon. Not everyone can do it, though. Especially if one is a layperson living outside the monastery, it can be difficult not to have dinner. Although it’s one way of creating a good relationship with ghosts, there are other ways such as reciting the Buddha’s name and bowing to the Buddhas.

Our teacher, Ven. Master Hua said, “If we can recite the Buddha’s name sincerely, ghosts passing by will be able to get reborn in the pure land upon hearing our recitation. This is also a form of liberating life.” So to liberate lives, we can spend money to buy those animals waiting to be killed so that they can regain freedom. We can also recite the Buddha’s name to liberate lives.

除了好好念佛之外,我想我們拜萬佛懺,同樣也是一種放生。拜萬佛除了佛經上講的那些功德之外,還有一個大家可能沒想到,但是師父生前提到過的,就是放生的功德。因為很多我們沒有看到的眾生,在我們誠心禮拜的時候,他們聽到這佛名,也許就往生到這佛土去了。十方諸佛這麼多的佛淨土,他們有機會去往生,拜佛的人 也得到了放生的功德。
In addition to reciting the Buddha’s name, bowing the Ten Thousand Buddha Repentance is also a way of liberating lives. There are many forms of merit and virtue that come from bowing to ten thousand Buddhas; one form that we may not usually think of is that it also liberates lives. Ven. Master Hua mentioned this before. Many invisible beings might be reborn in various Buddhalands when they hear our chanting while we bow sincerely to Buddhas. There are so many pure lands of Buddhas in the ten directions. When ghosts reborn in these Buddhalands, the person bowing to the Buddha will also gain the merit and virtue from liberating them.

Ven. Master Hua had a lot of teachings for us and was very strict when he was alive. One account is given by a layperson living in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB). She said that there was once another layperson from outside the monastery who asked her, “What’s needed in the kitchen? I’ll go and buy it.”

Since this layperson was very sincere, the person working in the kitchen said, “We don’t have tofu today.” Somehow, Ven. Master Hua learned about it and scolded the layperson working in the kitchen, saying, “Are you starving to death? Why did you tell others such a minor issue that we are out of tofu?”

When I heard this, I thought to myself, “Wow! That’s really strict!” It seemed to me that there was nothing wrong with it since the layperson from outside was very sincere about making an offering. However, it was a form of “asking for something”, according to Ven. Master Hua’s standard. So Shi Fu was very strict.

When Ven. Master Hua was alive, I was kind of afraid of him because he was very strict, especially when he scolded people. However, after Ven. Master Hua passed away, I started missing him a lot, especially when I see so many natural and man-made disasters. When Ven. Master Hua was alive, he made a vow that wherever he stayed, there would not be disasters.

So whenever there is a large-scale disaster, I often feel that if Ven. Master Hua was at that place, the disaster would not have happened and there would not be such a horrible death toll or injuries. Not to mention huge disasters, Ven. Master Hua even taught us methods to avoid small illnesses.

Now there are many people who have gotten the flu. Recently I learned a short mantra taught by Ven. Hua from a senior disciple of his. I believe many people here know how to recite it which goes, “Nan Shi Li Duo Shi Li Duo Jun Ja Li Suo Wa He.” Ven. Master Hua said that if we recite it 300 times a day, we will not fall ill. We can even help cure other people’s illnesses when we recite it for a long time.

During this Ten Thousand Buddhas Jeweled Repentance session, there have been so many people catching the flu. I thought to myself, “Oh no! It would be terrible to get the flu.” So I kept reciting this mantra when I walk to the Buddha Hall or to the dining hall. I believe I recited at least 300 times when I walk from place to place in CTTB.

If you recite it single-mindedly in front of the Buddha statue, it only takes a little over ten minutes to finish 300 recitations since it’s a very short mantra. It takes more than ten minutes to walk around in CTTB every day, so if we recite while walking we can surely complete the 300 recitations. I’m really lucky not to have the flu so far, so I want to share this wonderful and brief mantra. Again, it is, “Nan Shi Li Duo Shi Li Duo Jun Ja Li Suo Wa He.”

Some people may wonder that since Ven. Master Hua knew this mantra, why did he still fall ill himself? Ven. Master Hua said he would not do anything to help himself. Everything that he did was to help other people.

I remember when my family moved to CTTB, my father was worried about us so he flew from Taiwan to visit us. He could barely walk at that time but he insisted on walking by himself.

When he got here, he saw us bowing to Ven. Master Hua whenever we met him. My father did not feel good about it. I only bowed once to my father in my life, which was on my wedding day and it was because it was customary to bow to our parents then. That was the only time I bowed to my father in front of him. I hadn’t done it since then, and when he came he saw us bowing Ven. Master Hua so many times. I guess my father didn’t feel good about it.

Later, Ven. Master Hua asked my father to go see him. Whenever Ven. Master Hua said a few words, my father would oppose him by saying “That’s not the case. That’s not the case.” My father completely opposed Ven. Master Hua’s words, no matter what he was saying.

However, after my father went back to Taiwan, he told me over the phone something strange had happened, which was that without taking any medicine or undergoing surgery, his legs got well for no reason after his trip to CTTB. I knew that it was Ven. Master Hua taking on my father’s karma. However, my father would not believe it.

From my father’s experience, one can imagine how much evil karma Ven. Master Hua took on for others. This is only one small example out of many.

